Sudan Resources
السودان قطرٌ شاسع وغني بالموارد الطبيعية؛ الزراعية (بالأراض الخصبة)، والحيوانية، والمعدنية، والنباتية، والمائية. والإعتماد الرئيس للسودان هو الزراعة؛ إذ هي ٨٠٪ من نشاط السكان. ويعتمد أيضًا على الصناعة، وخصوصًا الصناعات الزراعية.
Agriculture and livestock are the main sources of livelihood in Sudan for more than 61% of the working population
The livestock sector ranks second in the Sudanese economy in terms of importance, as Sudan has more than 130 million head of livestock
Water Resources
Water resources in Sudan include rainwater, rivers, and surface and underground water. Sudan's share of the Nile water is about 18.5 billion cubic meters
Mineral wealth
Minerals cover about 46% of the area of Sudan and include minerals: gold, silver, copper, zinc, iron, chromium, manganese, gypsum, marble and others.