Department sections
External stations management:
Hydrological data section.
Department of Early Warning.
Geographic Information Department And remote sensing.
Water Quality Department
Data and Analysis Department:
External stations section.
Department of Morphology and Hydrology.
River morphology management:
Beach protection section.
Department of Withdrawal and Control.
• Establishing and operating hydrological stations to monitor the disposal and levels of the Nile River and its tributaries, collecting and analyzing silt suspended in water, and operating hydrological stations to monitor losses.
Analyzing hydrological data with a view to estimating the revenues of the Nile and its various branches, seasonal and annual, and the amounts and losses.
- Forecasting and managing floods, determining years of scarce revenue, and alerting them to the precautions to be followed in every field
- Defining projects to increase the revenues of the Nile, its tributaries and other rivers.
- Defining irrigation storage and power generation projects and determining ways to exploit water resources.
Cooperating with international and regional organizations for the purpose of developing and updating monitoring methods, increasing revenues and reducing waste.
Development of budget proposals And spending from the approved budget according to financial controls.
Types of scales used
Types of equipment used